
BDE18: Erasmusfahrt nach Frankreich

Berufsfachschule III Projekte Europaschule 12.08.2019

The class BDE18 (Berufsfachschule 3 Elektrotechnik) works together with a French partner school in a two-year Erasmus project. The aim of the project is the mutual construction of a solar powered charging station for mobile phones.

The project involves mutual visits to Lübeck and Granville (France, Normandy).

After a visit of the French partner students to Lübeck in April 2019 with a lot of common work and leisure activities, a trip to France was realised in May 2019.

„The visit to France was very enjoyable for the whole class and was a new experience for all of us. We could not only make new friends but also learn a lot about the French culture. The host city Granville, where we were, was very multifaceted and left a powerful impression with its strong tidal range. We also learned a lot about renewable energy and self-supply on remote islands from our many trips to the tidal power plant in Brittany. It was also very nice when the French showed us "their" Granville and we were able to immerse ourselves in their everyday life. All in all one can say that the visit in France was very positive and we came back to Germany with many new experiences and knowledge.“

Text: Leo Blöß, BDE18