
Partnerschaftsprojekt der Holztechnik der Emil-Possehl-Schule Lübeck

Safety on woodworking machines
2013-1-DE2-LEO04-16037 1

Sicherheit bei der Arbeit an Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen

Report of the meeting in Lübeck
7. - 21. November 2014

Most of the teachers and students arrived in Lübeck on Sunday afternoon. After a safe trip by plane, train, or by car, everybody was welcomed in Klassik Altstadt Hotel and the students went to "Jugendherberge Alstadt", not far from our place. After unpacking our luggage and having a little rest, we met each other at 7.00pm at "Theaterklause", a restaurant situated close to our hotel. We got a meal and talked about the last time we saw each other in Colmar in September.

Monday 17th November

We came to the school at 9.00am and as usual, we had a wonderful and friendly welcoming with Hans Janßen, the coordinator of the project, Andreas Frenz, the Head of Department, and Jan Gerke, joinery teacher. Coffee, tea, cakes, biscuits and chocolate also fulfilled the tables to wish us the best for this week. We talked first about the organization of the first two days, and especially about the fact that this time, there would be two projects to focus on, and consequently two distinct groups. The presentation of the first project to realize is a stool made in ash with the traffic light man on the seat plate. The second project to realize is a turning plate you can put on a kitchen table for instance, made in beech and pine.



After talking about the organization of the realization of the products, everybody started working. First, we went to the wood workshop to take the beech timbers, and we started to cut each of them at the numerical circular saw. The stool group had to cut some ash to the longside and had to have the right dimensions by using the planning machines.

At 12.00pm we had the lunch break and we decided to go to a Chinese restaurant ("Mr.Wu") where they serve a full and marvelous buffet. Everybody was really satisfied about this lunch. At 1.00 pm we resumed our work. In order to get a plate shape, we glued the flat pieces altogether. We used clamps and the press to get them fixed for 20 minutes. It was already 3.30pm: before leaving to go to our appointment at 4.00pm, we cleaned a bit the workshop.



At 4.00pm: we had the opportunity for those who wanted to go and climb on the 10-meter-climbing wall. Some did it, some went back to the city to visit around. At 7.00pm, the teachers and the students went to a restaurant called "Schiffergesellschaft", based in an old house from 1535.This is one of the most beautiful and prominent medieval buildings within the city of Lübeck where the banquet tables and benches are still the original ones. This place has also the particularity to get some numerous ship models suspended from the ceiling, the oldest dates from 1607. We had a beautiful dinner in this remarkable place.

Tuesday, 18th November

After our arrival at 9.00am to school, we split into two groups to talk about the next steps of work to keep on. Jan explained us exactly what to do and which machines to use. The day before, we had glued all the flat pieces, and the next step was to take a hand planer knife to scrap the glue off the surface. After this process, each piece was cut to the numerical circular saw: we had to cut some 41-centimeter-square, some others to 25 cm. The stool group had to drill the about 144 pieces of wood with different holes for the fittings. The students made a drilling program on the CNC machine and made a control of all right measurements. Later on, the other group used the CNC router to draw the central round shape (180cm diameter) on the top of the turning plate.



At 12.00pm we had lunch outside the school, in "SB Restaurant Hausgemacht" until 1.00pm.

Then, we went back to school to visit the car department where 220 students study in this two-year-new building. We also had the opportunity to meet the Headmaster of this school, Mr JörnKrüger. We resumed work at 1.45pm to keep on our realizations. On each large square piece we did the same process: putting a dowel into the hole so as to fix and well-maintain the template whose function was to draw the 8 round shapes (6.8cm diameter) on the top of the turning plate. At 4.00pm, we stopped working; the students were free for the rest of the day and invited to meet each other at 7.00pm at "Café and Bar Celona".

Then, there was a joiners meeting in Emil Possehl Schule, invited to meet a relationship manager of Mafell Company, Alfons Zender, who presented some different hand tool machines like electric hand circular saws, duo dubbler or sanding machines. They had also the opportunity to get a dinner: sausages, potatoes and beer.

Wednesday, 19thNovember

This morning, we visited a joiner company called "Baras". This company employs 5 joiners and two apprentices. This business was created in 1975 by Hans Baras, and since 2003 his son Stefan Baras, has worked in this joinery. He is the second generation of this business. During the visiting of the joinery Mr Baras explained us what his company produces (kitchens, furniture, desks, doors, windows and so on). He also showed us the different parts of his workshop (from his wood stock to the finishing room) and the various machines they work on, like for instance the edge banding machine, the automatic drilling machine and the board circular saw. At last he made different demonstrations on the automatic drilling machine to show us how the machine works quick and neat to drill, put the dowels and glue in the same process for example.



At 9.30am we arrived at school and we resumed our work in two groups. We had to sand every round shape on the top of the turning plate, and the large round shape too. The part with the groove was sanded as well, and later the vertical drilling machine was used to draw the four drillings in the groove in order to get the little lead marbles located in the rotary system. In the meanwhile, some other students worked on the main plate: they used the sanding belt machine to sand the circumference, and then they used the molding router machine to get the outline in a rounded edge. All these different processes of work were very long, it took us the whole afternoon until the end of our school day at 4.00pm. The stool group had to sand all of the wooden pieces and Sven from Stockholm made a drawing of the famous Holstentor from Luebeck and we made a program for this on the CNC machine. The sitting plate for the stool had been routed and afterwards the plate has been divided into three parts.



Thursday, 20th November

We started school earlier this morning in order to get enough time to finish our project. Indeed we are going to visit the tower and the roof of Marien Church from 3.30pm until 6.00pm, so we have to leave the workshop earlier than the other days. This morning, we had to keep on working on the round pieces: we used again the vertical drilling machine with a special drill in order to get the outline on each hole in a rounded edge. The stool group had to make some templates for the domino-machine, because the holes for the dominos had been produced in different parts of the stool.

At 12.00pm we had a break and we ordered various pizzas to eat at school. After the lunch, we discussed in the workshop about each product made by the students, what they liked and disliked during the week in the workshop. Then, at 1.30pm, the teachers had a discussion on different topics like the report typed during this stay, the next project which will take in Colmar and the report they're writing altogether 'Safety on Woodworking Machines'. At 2.30pm, we left school to go to visit Marien Church.



The guide presented us a wonderful tour of the church which was built between 1250 and 1350.It is situated at the highest point of the island that forms the old town of Lübeck. Then we went at the very top of it to get a beautiful and magic view of the city. At 6.00pm we finished the visit and we went back to the hotel for a little break, before leaving to go to a restaurant in Kanalstrasse 'Seaside'. We were 14 people and we spent a lovely time altogether, talking, laughing, enjoying our time altogether.



Friday, 21st November

After packing our luggage, we arrived at school at 9.30am. This morning was dedicated to the report, working on the different rules of safety on woodworking machines which are allowed or not in each country (especially on the circular saw and on the drilling machine).