
Partnerschaftsprojekt der Holztechnik der Emil-Possehl-Schule Lübeck

Safety on woodworking machines
2013-1-DE2-LEO04-16037 1

Sicherheit bei der Arbeit an Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen

Report of the meeting in Colmar 15.-19. September 2014


We arrived at LycéeBlaise Pascal De Colmar on Monday at 9.00 o´clock. The head of the school welcomed us. Pascal Michel had a presentation about the product of that week. During that week, we worked on a frame, which was put together from 7 pieces. Those pieces were shaped as a 1/7 of a circle and each piece looked like a leaf and together it formed a flower.

One group started to prepare the wood. We agreed on to use cherry because the fibers in cherry are very close, compared to ash. First they planned the wood and then it was planned on thickness. Afterwards the pieces were cut out with the band saw.



To bring into shape we used two templates. One for the outside shape and another one for the inside shape.



On the first day we almost finished the templates.



In the evening all of us met in the city and we had dinner together.

On Tuesday we met at 9.00 o´clock and we continued the work on the mirror frame. The templates were done, but we had some difficulties to get them precise. The pieces needed to have exactly the radius of 117 mm. The students did a great job to get the work done. In the afternoon the teachers from Colmar took all of us to a restaurant in the mountains were we had dinner.



In order to archive a better edge quality, we decided to rout the part og for edge which is visible in the other direction, so we were going in the same direction as the fibers do. For that purpose, we had to turn around the tool and routed from the left side to the right side instead of the other way. Then we were ready to glue the pieces together. To make it more stable we glued the pieces together on a little board, which was placed in the middle of those leaves in a grove.



In the afternoon we did sightseeing tour in Colmar. Pascal took us around in the old city center first, and then we visited the museum of Colmar. I think that we, all together, did 300.000 steps during the sightseeing tour.

On Thursday we continued the glueing. First, after the flowers were put together we were able to make the pocket for the mirror. For that, we also made a template. The challenge was that we had to make sure that the pocket is exactly in the middle of the frame. For that purpose, we made a fixture keep the pocket into place.



At last, we sanded the frame and finished it with oil.