
3rd Project meeting, 12th to 14th of September in Bergen, Slåtthaug


Leonardo Partnerschaftsprojekte

Energy-efficiency in Concrete Construction, Masonry and Carpentry 2011-1-DE2-LEO04-07930 1

Energieeffiziente Baukonstruktionen im Holz-, Mauerwerks-, und Stahlbetonbau


3rd Project meeting, 12th to 14th of September
in Bergen, Slåtthaug


Working out the technical content and developing a teaching concept on "renovation of old buildings in terms of sustainability and diminshed energy consumption"


Planleggingsmøte i Bergen uke 37 2012
Tre dagers planleggingssamling for lærere fra Danmark, Tyskland og Slåtthaug


Auf dem 3. Treffen im Rahmen des Leonardo-Partnerschaftsprojekt der Bauabteilung, an dem neben Kollegen der EPS auch Vertreter unseres Kooperationspartners der Innung des Baugewerbes teilnahmen, wurde des fachliche und methodische Konzept für das gemeinsame Schülerprojekt im November 2012 erarbeitet. Hierbei geht es um die energetische Sanierung alter Bausubstanz. Neben der fachlichen Arbeit am Projektthema, hatten die norwegischen Kollegen ein umfangreiches Begleitprogramm erstellt. Besonders beeindruckend war die Besichtigung von Brygge, der historischen Altstadt von Bergen. Hier zeigte uns ein deutscher Zimmermeister, der dort seit drei Jahren arbeitet, wie die Holzhäuser aus der Hansezeit originalgetreu saniert werden, was auch für die handwerkliche Bearbeitung des Holzes gilt.

Eine Fahrt zu den Fjorden und den typischen norwegischen Dörfern im Westen Bergens rundeten diesen interessanten Projektabschnitt ab. Ein besonderer Dank gebührt unseren in Bergen ansässigen Kollegen für die hervorragende Organisation während der drei Tage.

Andreas Frenz, EPS Lübeck

A summary of the 3rd Project meeting,
12th to 14th of September in Bergen, Slåtthaug

Topic: Working out the technical content and developing a teaching concept on "renovation of old buildings in terms of sustainability and diminshed energy consumption"

Our guests arrived at the airport in Bergen late in the evening Tuesday 11th of September. We met them there, and transported them to the hotel in the city.

The project meeting started at Slåtthaug Wednesday morning at 10 am, and was officially opened by headmaster Otto Sørås, and head of the building department Stig Haldorsen.

Then there was a brief introduction to the work we have planned for the students in week 44. Drawings and plans were presented and discussed. Then we went to look at the facilities in the building hall where the work is going to take place.

After a lunch at our school we went to visit the company Optimera, who provides us with materials for this project. Optimera is a large provider of building materials in Norway, as well as in many other European countries. Sales manager Morten Algerøy guided us around the plant, so that our guest could have a look into Norwegian building materials and standards.

Then it was time to visit the youth hostel "Montana", to have a look at the facilities there. That went out quite well, and both our German and Danish guests decided to stay there with their student during the project week.

We met again Wednesday morning at 830am, for a detailed content planning of the students project week. Our guests then have had some time to think through the plans presented the day before. We had some interesting discussions on the details of the project, and very much agreed on everything. We also discussed the relevance of air-pressure testing and thermography for the project, and these subjects will also be included in the project. Finally, we had a guided tour around our school before the next post on the programme.

At 1030 am we met construction manager Bjørn Engesæter at a rather big renovation building project in the city. This is a brick-buildt building from the 1930ies, which is now going through a total renovation. The building is going to contain offices and flats. There were quite a few interesting details to discuss, according to insulation of old brick-buildings as well as how to agree with the heritage authorities.

Then we had lunch at the restaurant "Dampen", where we were served fish soup, before we went to visit "Bryggen I Bergen". There we had a quite interesting historical introduction to Bryggen, before we went to meet the craftsmen who are maintaining the buildings. This was even more interesting, and we got a very good look at their work with demonstrations of old carpenters techniques as well as the use of old tools. Our guests found this last part particulary exciting, and we have already decided to include a new visit at Bryggen during the project week.

After a few afternoon hours off we finished the day with a proper Norwegian fish dinner at the restaurant "Bryggeloftet", and obviously it was a very nice social gathering as well.

Friday we met at school at 9 am to finish and make the final conclusions on the project content, before we went for a trip to some of the islands west of Bergen. The trip contained a visit to a salmon farm, lunch at the coast museum, as well as huge amounts of Norwegian nature, such as wind, rain, islands and big waves. We had planned to get into boats for some fishing, but unfortunately we were not able to because of the strong wind.

All in all we think we had three good working days here in Bergen, with a good mix of professional discussions and social gathering. We also have the impression that our guests found the stay in Bergen interesting. Now we are working with the last preparations for the project week, and we are looking forward to meet you and your students in week 44.

Frode Skjerven, Slåtthaug videregående skole in Bergen (Norway)

Die Projektgruppe


Blick auf Bergen








Traditionelles "behauen" von Balken mit dem Breitbeil


Relikte aus der Hansezeit


"Überall Fisch"




Norwegische Idylle

Bilder: Andreas Frenz, EPS Lübeck